Fra våre finske kolleger har vi mottatt følgende invitasjon:
Dear Nordic and Baltic friends!
Please note that Villa Sarkia residency periods with a travel grant for Nordic and Baltic writers in 2016 can now be applied! Apply yourself or share this information.
- More info here:
Nuoren Voiman Liitto has developed a new residency program for young (under 40 years) Nordic and Baltic writers and translators in Villa Sarkia residency, Sysmä. This is an act to supply the writers an efficient working period in the residency but also to maintain and create new contacts between young writers in Nordic and Baltic countries.
We are able to invite 10 persons from Nordic and Baltic countries in 2016 for a period of up to 3 months each. These invited residents will have their travels to and from the residence for free as well the living in the residency (room, electricity, linen, internet, cleaning).
The invited writers and translators are asked not only to perform once in Sysmä during the residency but also to spend one weekend in Helsinki meeting young Finnish authors and translators and to perform during this visit. We will cover also the costs of this performance and translations into Finnish.
The Villa Sarkia residency has been running efficiently for five years now and served as a haven of working place and meeting point for over 100 writers and translators of which over 30 have come from outside Finland.