Ukrainsk PEN ber om støtte

PEN Ukraina, sammen med PEN Belarus, Polish PEN Club og Open Culture Foundation har gått sammen om en pengeinnsamling til støtte for Ukrainas kunstnere og kreative krefter.

Pengene skal gå til ukrainske forfattere, journalister, oversettere, akademikere og kunstnere som nå trues av den russiske krigen mot Ukraina.

I en uttalelse fra PEN heter det:

At this point, we must all support Ukraine like never before because this is where the future of Europe will be decided. The funds will be used to alleviate the urgent needs of Ukrainian creatives, whose lives are now in direct danger:

urgent evacuation and resettlement in the cities of Western Ukraine,

urgent evacuation and resettlement in safe countries.

Culture is one of the chief bastions of Ukrainian freedom and we must ensure that members of the Ukrainian cultural community can continue to speak out loudly and without hindrance.

PEN Ukraine, PEN Belarus, Polish PEN Club, Open Culture Foundation

Transfer details and account numbers:

Foundation Open Culture

street Krakowskie Przedmieście 59/3A

20-076 Lublin


Nest Bank



PLN: 06 1870 1045 2078 1068 6320 0001

EUR: 76 1870 1045 2078 1068 6320 0002

USD: 49 1870 1045 2078 1068 6320 0003

GBP: 22 1870 1045 2078 1068 6320 0004

Transfer title: a donation to Ukraine.
